Podshambles 49: Snake People

The Podgy little Shameblepigs have created a Casterpiece in the form of a Podcast (or so our sources say). Prepare your butts (/ears). THIS TIME: Paddy gets real about the application of baboons in animal warfare, Laurie gets super real about the fallibility of human memory, and a conversation about whether or not one quarter […]

Episode 48 - christmas in the pub

Podshambles 48: Christmas in a Pub

Cast! The Herald Angels Sing – Glory To The Shamble King(s). After all – it came uPOD a midnight clear (that one was tough but hey it’s Christmas so…fine). Once again, as is tradition, it is CHRISTMAS. Thus we bring you a very special festive Podshambles LIVE from a pub. Recorded in Oxford in between […]

Podshambles 47: The Small Council

Podshambles 47: The Small Council is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: The Shamblexam results are back from the Poderators. Congratulations – you Cast. Now you can finally follow your dreams and become a qualified cannon instructor. What happens in this episode? WELL LET ME TELL YOU. Laurie manages to read Glamour magazine for a surprisingly […]

Podshambles 46: Weasel Wiggle

Podshambles 46: Weasel Wiggle is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Pod guys always finish Cast in the Shamblerace of Life. From now until the end of days – we accept our fate. This time in glorified audio-mess world: Paddy recalls the true meaning of Bonfire Night, Laurie is awkward at parties and the pair of […]

Podshambles 45: A Stitch In Time Will Kill You

Podshambles 45: A Stitch In Time Will Kill You is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Mind your Shamblepockets, as the Castful Podger is on the loose and oh boy does he loves rifling. Yes, it’s an Oliver reference. Deal with it, world. Paddy makes a life-changing discovery based on a certain American Hip-Hop artist, Laurie delves […]

Podshambles 44: Give Us Frubes

Podshambles 44: Give Us Frubes is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Arrest those men and place them in Podtective Castody THIS INSTANT. The two Shamblurais are back this week with a bag full of home cooked goodies. Laurie finally gets to meet Ponyo (the lasagne blacksmith) in Choose Your Own Adventure, Paddy pitches his genetic […]

Podshambles 43: 100% Physical Intensity

Podshambles 43: 100% Physical Intensity is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Let’s step up to the Podium and broadCast this mess, eh? The Shambled-Eggs (Paddy & Laurie // egg friends 4 life) bring you this special bulletin (episode 43) and phwowsers it’s a dingaling. In this instalment: Laurie weighs up whether or not goats are […]

Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals

Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Bread and butter Podding please – and don’t hold back on the Castard! Immediate edit: I’m convinced this counts as a pun. C’mon guys it’s been 42 episodes and I have to be honest I am running on empty when it comes […]

Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden)

Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: Whack out your fishing Pod and Cast out your Shamblenets because this voyage has just become overtly bountiful. Correct. Laurie & Paddy are back for Season 3 of the Podcast both previously and currently known as Podshambles. We bring this […]

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale)

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect: The Podifications have been made and the results are simply flabberCasting. That’s right – it’s the end of Podshambles Season 2. Look at how far we’ve all come – it’s actually rather astounding that we’re still here/not dead. So what better way […]