Podshambles 38: Of Love And Tetanus (Christmas Special)

T’was the night before Shambles, when all through the Pod, not a creature was Casting, not even a Shambles.

Except they were – the creatures that is. Laurie and Paddy. They were casting. Podcasting. Podshambles.


IT’S CHRISTMAS and so here is a special extended Podshambles just for you. Paddy questions whether or not the ham has gone off, Laurie surprises everyone with the introduction of his new character ‘Good Will’, and the Shamblecubs embark on a festive adventure through Victorian London to find the perfect goose.

Pull up your stockings, peel a clementine, and stop touching Blitzen – This is a Shamchristblesmas.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/Jeremy spoke in class today.

Merry Christmas and to all a good fruitbear.

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 37: Meat In A Bag In A Pub

Podshambles 37: Meat In A Bag In A Pub is now OUT. Here’s what to expect:

Two pints of Poddingtons and a packet of WorCASTer Sauce crisps please. Thank you. Oh hang on I think you gave me the wrong change. Oh no, my mistake. Thanks.

Christmas is nearly upon us, so it’s about time for Podshambles 37. Those Shamblelfs are getting restless. Laurie finally goes through his ‘NO’ phase, Paddy tackles nudity, and the fruity pair of fruit-bears give us a taste of Shamble Karaoke. Download now for our eleven top tips for staying warm this winter!

All that remains is one question:


Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/do you like green eggs and ham.

A bird in the hand is worth all your fingers,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX