Podshambles 47: The Small Council

Podshambles 47: The Small Council is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

The Shamblexam results are back from the Poderators. Congratulations – you Cast. Now you can finally follow your dreams and become a qualified cannon instructor.

What happens in this episode? WELL LET ME TELL YOU. Laurie manages to read Glamour magazine for a surprisingly long time, Paddy is faced with his last day on Earth, Laurie then considers moving to Berlin and Paddy decides that most of his important memories are just about Babe: Pig In The City. Also featuring a guest appearance from everyone’s favourite miniature government – The Small Council.

Pour yourself a Guinness, then poison it, then give it Awful Peter – it’s Podshambles 47.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/the loneliest people in the whole wide world are the ones you’re never going to see again.

Celebration enjoy,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 44: Give Us Frubes

Podshambles 44: Give Us Frubes is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

Arrest those men and place them in Podtective Castody THIS INSTANT.

The two Shamblurais are back this week with a bag full of home cooked goodies. Laurie finally gets to meet Ponyo (the lasagne blacksmith) in Choose Your Own Adventure, Paddy pitches his genetic pug/duck splice, and who would have guessed we’d end up arguing over the value of making aeroplane noises whilst running.

Shuffle awkwardly, shimmy alluringly and waggle like there’s no need for waggling – it’s Podshambles 44.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/I push my fingers into my eyes.

Pips & Toodles,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Check’em: We’ve done some Minecraft and Zelda videos

Zelda and minecraft videos

Oh, my Poddarlings, what if I told you that not only could you listen to our wonderful podcast but that our likenesses were available via a MODERN AND EXCITING VIDEO FORMAT, too? You would bluster in disbelief, surely? Spit out your cherry cola with surprise? Shit yourself?

Well hold onto that belief, cola and spincter, dear Shamblet, for I’m about to rock your world: we are on YOUTUBE and have several exciting new videos to share with you.

First up: we’ve made a foray into tiny, unknown independent hit, Minecraft, which is definitely not already played, recorded and watched by millions already. We have, though, picked up a new and very hard game mode called Captive Minecraft, where you play within a very small boundary that extends only by unlocking the game’s achievements. It sounds weird but makes total sense when you see it in the flesh.

WHICH YOU CAN RIGHT NOW! Check in here with episode one, where we try and make our tiny impact on the fucked up, square-based version of the world:

If you want to gaze upon the other videos in the series, or at least make sure you’re up to date, watch the whole playlist of our Minecraft videos here.

Next: you may have already seen our series of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, the Wii U re-release of the stunning GameCube/Wii title and, in Podshambles LTD’s strictly professional opinion, one of the finer entries in the Zelda mythos. It’s dark and spooky and you can play as a wolf and honestly we’re totally over Linkin Park mum so stop going on at us GOD.

We’re up to episode five of this particularly romp through Hyrule – where we’ve JUST got hold of a sword and shield – so if you’re in the market for a speedy playthrough then, my fine feathered friend, you are drinking from the wrong toilet bowl. If you like hapless adventuring, fun with waterfowl and two gormless idiots in control of it all then TUNE IN.

Start from the beggining here:

And see the new episodes as they come by clicking sharpish on this.

A FRIENDLY REMINDER: You can see all our new videos AS THEY COME by subscribing to our little smut factory on YouTube! Point your browsers to “This is a Shambles” or click thyself on these very words to find it.

Love, ducks and all sorts of fuss,

L&P x

Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals

Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

Bread and butter Podding please – and don’t hold back on the Castard! Immediate edit: I’m convinced this counts as a pun. C’mon guys it’s been 42 episodes and I have to be honest I am running on empty when it comes to puns that contain rhymes for both Pod and Cast.

The Shambiblical prophets return with word of a podcast. Be prepared for Paddy’s new game ‘Where’s Dad?’, get ready for Laurie/Flagon’s new friend Russo Alicante, and hold onto your butts for the weirdest game of Would You Rather you are likely to hear this week/lifetime/butts.

Lick your fingers, remember your regrets and cry into your casserole – it’s Podshambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/when we rock the mic we rock the mic right.

Start using the word ‘Dickvalve’,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden)

Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

Whack out your fishing Pod and Cast out your Shamblenets because this voyage has just become overtly bountiful.

Correct. Laurie & Paddy are back for Season 3 of the Podcast both previously and currently known as Podshambles. We bring this episode to you LIVE from some kind of Swedish country haven – exciting stuff, right?

Paddy gets drunkenly emotional, Laurie finally talks about his wanger, and the Shamblemen get down to the nitty-gritty reflecting on their Swedish getaway together. Featuring shiny new jingles!

Brace for impact – it’s Podshambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/you told the drunks I knew karate.

Tits & Explosions,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale)

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

The Podifications have been made and the results are simply flabberCasting. That’s right – it’s the end of Podshambles Season 2.

Look at how far we’ve all come – it’s actually rather astounding that we’re still here/not dead. So what better way to celebrate than an ENORMOUS Podshambles Special?

Laurie and Paddy are joined in this Podquest by soon-to-be movie star James Utechin and already-super-rad Zac Cole for a good ol’ fashioned game of Snake Oil.

We really hope you enjoy this extra-fantastic episode. Thank you all so much for your continued support of the podcast and YouTube channel.

Bring your RainbowPhone and start banging your UrgeDrum. Once more unto the breach my friends – it’s Podshambles 40.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/my lovely lady lumps.

Aren’t friends brilliant?

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie & James & Zac XXXX

Podshambles 39: Big Wang Theory

Have a Podspoon of Castor oil and get involved – the Agents of Shamble are back from their travels and have a brand new dollop of ear fun for you.

Paddy had a run in with some of his heroes, Laurie had a roast, and we discover why 41 is the new 27.

Stock up on supplies, raise the drawbridge and brace yourself for impact. It sounds confusing because it is – it’s Podshambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/I believe in a thing called love.

Happy Valentines and so on – hooray.

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 37: Meat In A Bag In A Pub

Podshambles 37: Meat In A Bag In A Pub is now OUT. Here’s what to expect:

Two pints of Poddingtons and a packet of WorCASTer Sauce crisps please. Thank you. Oh hang on I think you gave me the wrong change. Oh no, my mistake. Thanks.

Christmas is nearly upon us, so it’s about time for Podshambles 37. Those Shamblelfs are getting restless. Laurie finally goes through his ‘NO’ phase, Paddy tackles nudity, and the fruity pair of fruit-bears give us a taste of Shamble Karaoke. Download now for our eleven top tips for staying warm this winter!

All that remains is one question:


Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/do you like green eggs and ham.

A bird in the hand is worth all your fingers,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 35: Finger Of Fudge

Podshambles 35: Finger Of Fudge is now OUT. Here is what to expect:

Poddy (Poddy) / The little man in the red and yellow Cast.

That’s right – we’re now at the point where I’m crowbarring Noddy references into descriptions as there are only so many words that rhyme/half-rhyme with pod, cast, or podcast. The Shambleboots are laced this week as Paddy & Laurie take you on a journey through forgotten James Bond movies, the ever increasing pretentiousness of music genres, and what happens when you shine a torch into a lemur’s eyes. There’s even a generous dollop of Choose Your Own Adventure thrown in for good measure.

Plug in your toasters, steer clear of the bath, and dance like nobody else is dancing i.e. sit down. This is a shambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/eggs.


Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 34: The Quaxon

Oh look – a new one. ‘Podshambles 34: The Quaxon’ is out now!

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho / It’s off to pod we cast / We’ll keep on shambling all day /long / Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho.

It’s a real honky-tonk this week in Shambalala as Paddy undergoes rigorous psychological profiling, Laurie unleashes his new theme tune and Flagon uncovers the secrets of the Orville Memorial Duck Sanctuary.

Keep your powder dry and your hats jaunty – this Turpin just got dicked.

You can listen to it on Acast by clicking below, or alternatively you can download it from iTunes by following this link: Podshambles on iTunes!

That’s all from us, so it’s goodbye from us and goodbye from us.

Big love XX