Check’em: We’ve done some Minecraft and Zelda videos

Zelda and minecraft videos

Oh, my Poddarlings, what if I told you that not only could you listen to our wonderful podcast but that our likenesses were available via a MODERN AND EXCITING VIDEO FORMAT, too? You would bluster in disbelief, surely? Spit out your cherry cola with surprise? Shit yourself?

Well hold onto that belief, cola and spincter, dear Shamblet, for I’m about to rock your world: we are on YOUTUBE and have several exciting new videos to share with you.

First up: we’ve made a foray into tiny, unknown independent hit, Minecraft, which is definitely not already played, recorded and watched by millions already. We have, though, picked up a new and very hard game mode called Captive Minecraft, where you play within a very small boundary that extends only by unlocking the game’s achievements. It sounds weird but makes total sense when you see it in the flesh.

WHICH YOU CAN RIGHT NOW! Check in here with episode one, where we try and make our tiny impact on the fucked up, square-based version of the world:

If you want to gaze upon the other videos in the series, or at least make sure you’re up to date, watch the whole playlist of our Minecraft videos here.

Next: you may have already seen our series of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, the Wii U re-release of the stunning GameCube/Wii title and, in Podshambles LTD’s strictly professional opinion, one of the finer entries in the Zelda mythos. It’s dark and spooky and you can play as a wolf and honestly we’re totally over Linkin Park mum so stop going on at us GOD.

We’re up to episode five of this particularly romp through Hyrule – where we’ve JUST got hold of a sword and shield – so if you’re in the market for a speedy playthrough then, my fine feathered friend, you are drinking from the wrong toilet bowl. If you like hapless adventuring, fun with waterfowl and two gormless idiots in control of it all then TUNE IN.

Start from the beggining here:

And see the new episodes as they come by clicking sharpish on this.

A FRIENDLY REMINDER: You can see all our new videos AS THEY COME by subscribing to our little smut factory on YouTube! Point your browsers to “This is a Shambles” or click thyself on these very words to find it.

Love, ducks and all sorts of fuss,

L&P x

What’s happening in the next month

Every now and then we like to update you, kind listeners and watchers, on the current status of our Shambleplans. When you’re lucky. And we remember too.

As it happens we’ve got some pretty damn exciting ideas scurrying around our Podbrains for the month of August, and luckily – for you – we remembered that we should tell you about them. So:

The first vital part of our upcoming Shamblemachinations is that Paddy is away for August. The fucker. But don’t worry! You can find him in Edinburgh performing as Jonny and the Baptists his latest rag-time Vaudeville showcase EAT THE POOR almost every day, if you’re there. I saw the previews in London this week and it’s properly excellent – a look at the growing divide in wealth and social strata in our world that made me have a proper think afterwards. Oh, and it’s hilarious in the meantime. You can buy tickets right here if you’d like.

Don’t be upset, though! Stop that wailing and gnashing of teeth, for goodness sake! We’ve got loads of treats for you!

Part two of the plan is that we have TWO PODCASTS READY TO GO KLAXON! Episode 43 will drop at the beginning of next week, while episode 44 is already in the can. We’ll also be recording episode 45 remotely while Paddy’s entertaining the pictish hordes, so that’ll follow soon after. Make sure you are subscribed on iTunes here and keeping your peepers peeled on Acast here to get the new episodes as soon as they’re released.

Part three of our butt-shatteringly brilliant strategy is to unleash some MORE YOUTUBE VIDEOS on your unsuspecting asses right away! First, we’ll be continuing our Twilight Princess playthrough and seeing throug the quest of fair young Dweebles to it’s natural conclusion (loads of rupees, elementally-themed temples and a final boss battle almost certainly with Ganon). We’ll also be starting a NEW SERIES set in Minecraft – yes, that brand new smash hit game Minecraft that people definitely haven’t been playing for the past 10 years. Those will both be up over the next few days – point your browsers at our YouTube channel THIS IS A SHAMBLES right now and SUBSCRIBE to get the latest updates.

Phew. I need a sit down. And a quick waterfowl break. There’s just TOO MUCH CRACKING STUFF.

Here’s the plan again, quickly, in case you forgot:

  1. See Paddy’s show EAT THE POOR
  2. Wildly anticipate not 1, not 4, not 17 but 3 WHOLE PODCAST EPISODES coming soon
  3. Bloody hell mate you want more stuff well why not WAIT FOR SOME NEW YOUTUBE VIDEOS including some MINECRAFT

Have an excellent August and we’ll see you soon.

Love, butts and monkeys,

P&L x

Podshambles 27: Betrayal Monkey and Lie Bananas (Live From New York)

Podshambles 27: Betrayal Monkey and Lie Bananas (Live From New York)

The Podprinces have been Cast away to Shamblerica but golly gee willikers are they bouncing back!

Continue your adventures with Padcoolio and Lauradical as they brave the tundras of New York, covering everything from overzealous flag usage to why three and a half feet of bacon is apparently an appropriate substitute for bread. They’ve only bloody gone and made a YouTube channel too.

Expect ham. Or don’t. YOUR CALL.