Check’em: We’ve done some Minecraft and Zelda videos

Zelda and minecraft videos

Oh, my Poddarlings, what if I told you that not only could you listen to our wonderful podcast but that our likenesses were available via a MODERN AND EXCITING VIDEO FORMAT, too? You would bluster in disbelief, surely? Spit out your cherry cola with surprise? Shit yourself?

Well hold onto that belief, cola and spincter, dear Shamblet, for I’m about to rock your world: we are on YOUTUBE and have several exciting new videos to share with you.

First up: we’ve made a foray into tiny, unknown independent hit, Minecraft, which is definitely not already played, recorded and watched by millions already. We have, though, picked up a new and very hard game mode called Captive Minecraft, where you play within a very small boundary that extends only by unlocking the game’s achievements. It sounds weird but makes total sense when you see it in the flesh.

WHICH YOU CAN RIGHT NOW! Check in here with episode one, where we try and make our tiny impact on the fucked up, square-based version of the world:

If you want to gaze upon the other videos in the series, or at least make sure you’re up to date, watch the whole playlist of our Minecraft videos here.

Next: you may have already seen our series of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, the Wii U re-release of the stunning GameCube/Wii title and, in Podshambles LTD’s strictly professional opinion, one of the finer entries in the Zelda mythos. It’s dark and spooky and you can play as a wolf and honestly we’re totally over Linkin Park mum so stop going on at us GOD.

We’re up to episode five of this particularly romp through Hyrule – where we’ve JUST got hold of a sword and shield – so if you’re in the market for a speedy playthrough then, my fine feathered friend, you are drinking from the wrong toilet bowl. If you like hapless adventuring, fun with waterfowl and two gormless idiots in control of it all then TUNE IN.

Start from the beggining here:

And see the new episodes as they come by clicking sharpish on this.

A FRIENDLY REMINDER: You can see all our new videos AS THEY COME by subscribing to our little smut factory on YouTube! Point your browsers to “This is a Shambles” or click thyself on these very words to find it.

Love, ducks and all sorts of fuss,

L&P x

Youtube updates: Watch us!

Youtube News

Hello, brave Shambleers! How fare you?
Well I thought she was getting better?
Oh. I see. the tentacles.
No, no, please, send my best! Just don’t mention her…
Yeah, the beak.
Well I’m sure it is de rigeur in Paris but frankly…
OK, OK. Yup. Extra trill. OK. Bye!

We’ve not been back for a while, admittedly, because we’ve been busy working away at the YOOTYOOBZ for a while! We’ve got lots of treats for you, if you’re interested…

First, our series of ‘A Goodnight Shambles’ – quick sessions where we talk utter bollocks and cursorily paying attention to a game – is up, wherein we play Hearthstone. REVEL as we talk about Paddy’s purple nips, among other treats.

Second, we’ve got some choice highlights from the podcast in the form of CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! By popular demand – well, Nigel and his rabid dog down the pub made a passing comment about it so we thought we would. We’ve already made it up to the ADVENTURE TRAIN, with more episodes shortly to follow.

And, finally, our playthrough of SUNLESS SEA continues, with crabs coming out of our arse and Liam Welton, developer at Failbetter Games, keeping us in check. We’ve had a little break but will be returning with more SOON.

That’s all for now, do SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE if you feel so generously inclined to do so. Also, do email, tweet or carve messages into your flesh if you a) like what we’re doing b) don’t like what we’re doing c) would like to propose some sort of excellent business plan centered around high duck fashion to us.

P&L x

Setting sail on the Sunless Sea

Well ahoy, avast, and away we go, Shamble Cadets! Welcome to the good ship ‘YouTube Videos’!

Yeah, can you actually believe it? We’ve actually gone and made a bona fide video with a video game in and us talking over the top and keeping vaguely on topic! Wowee! Our first outing is with the fantastic Sunless Sea, a HP Lovecraft-fuellled roguelike seafaring adventure game, heavy on the storytelling and atmosphere. We had an absolutely brilliant time.

Our maiden Shambles voyage is with Liam Welton, all-round good guy and one of the lead developers on Sunless Sea. He helped us out when we inevitably got into problems with the mouse, our own ability to breathe and actually being able to survive the first half-hour of playing, for which we are eternally grateful.

Check out the first part here and, remember, check back every Tuesday and Friday for more Shamble-vids (Shambeos? Shamble Cinema? whatever).

Love you,