Setting sail on the Sunless Sea

Well ahoy, avast, and away we go, Shamble Cadets! Welcome to the good ship ‘YouTube Videos’!

Yeah, can you actually believe it? We’ve actually gone and made a bona fide video with a video game in and us talking over the top and keeping vaguely on topic! Wowee! Our first outing is with the fantastic Sunless Sea, a HP Lovecraft-fuellled roguelike seafaring adventure game, heavy on the storytelling and atmosphere. We had an absolutely brilliant time.

Our maiden Shambles voyage is with Liam Welton, all-round good guy and one of the lead developers on Sunless Sea. He helped us out when we inevitably got into problems with the mouse, our own ability to breathe and actually being able to survive the first half-hour of playing, for which we are eternally grateful.

Check out the first part here and, remember, check back every Tuesday and Friday for more Shamble-vids (Shambeos? Shamble Cinema? whatever).

Love you,