Podshambles 47: The Small Council

Podshambles 47: The Small CouncilĀ is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

The Shamblexam results are back from the Poderators. Congratulations – you Cast. Now you can finally follow your dreams and become a qualified cannon instructor.

What happens in this episode? WELL LET ME TELL YOU. Laurie manages to read Glamour magazine for a surprisingly long time, Paddy is faced with his last day on Earth, Laurie then considers moving to Berlin and Paddy decides that most of his important memories are just about Babe: Pig In The City. Also featuring a guest appearance from everyone’s favourite miniature government – The Small Council.

Pour yourself a Guinness, then poison it, then give it Awful Peter – it’s Podshambles 47.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/the loneliest people in the whole wide world are the ones you’re never going to see again.

Celebration enjoy,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale)

Podshambles 40: Snake Oil (Season Finale) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

The Podifications have been made and the results are simply flabberCasting. That’s right – it’s the end of Podshambles Season 2.

Look at how far we’ve all come – it’s actually rather astounding that we’re still here/not dead. So what better way to celebrate than an ENORMOUS Podshambles Special?

Laurie and Paddy are joined in this Podquest by soon-to-be movie star James Utechin and already-super-rad Zac Cole for a good ol’ fashioned game of Snake Oil.

We really hope you enjoy this extra-fantastic episode. Thank you all so much for your continued support of the podcast and YouTube channel.

Bring your RainbowPhone and start banging your UrgeDrum. Once more unto the breach my friends – it’s Podshambles 40.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/my lovely lady lumps.

Aren’t friends brilliant?

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie & James & Zac XXXX