Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals

Podshambles 42: Woops! There Go My Genitals is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

Bread and butter Podding please – and don’t hold back on the Castard! Immediate edit: I’m convinced this counts as a pun. C’mon guys it’s been 42 episodes and I have to be honest I am running on empty when it comes to puns that contain rhymes for both Pod and Cast.

The Shambiblical prophets return with word of a podcast. Be prepared for Paddy’s new game ‘Where’s Dad?’, get ready for Laurie/Flagon’s new friend Russo Alicante, and hold onto your butts for the weirdest game of Would You Rather you are likely to hear this week/lifetime/butts.

Lick your fingers, remember your regrets and cry into your casserole – it’s Podshambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/when we rock the mic we rock the mic right.

Start using the word ‘Dickvalve’,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 35: Finger Of Fudge

Podshambles 35: Finger Of Fudge is now OUT. Here is what to expect:

Poddy (Poddy) / The little man in the red and yellow Cast.

That’s right – we’re now at the point where I’m crowbarring Noddy references into descriptions as there are only so many words that rhyme/half-rhyme with pod, cast, or podcast. The Shambleboots are laced this week as Paddy & Laurie take you on a journey through forgotten James Bond movies, the ever increasing pretentiousness of music genres, and what happens when you shine a torch into a lemur’s eyes. There’s even a generous dollop of Choose Your Own Adventure thrown in for good measure.

Plug in your toasters, steer clear of the bath, and dance like nobody else is dancing i.e. sit down. This is a shambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/eggs.


Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 34: The Quaxon

Oh look – a new one. ‘Podshambles 34: The Quaxon’ is out now!

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho / It’s off to pod we cast / We’ll keep on shambling all day /long / Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho.

It’s a real honky-tonk this week in Shambalala as Paddy undergoes rigorous psychological profiling, Laurie unleashes his new theme tune and Flagon uncovers the secrets of the Orville Memorial Duck Sanctuary.

Keep your powder dry and your hats jaunty – this Turpin just got dicked.

You can listen to it on Acast by clicking below, or alternatively you can download it from iTunes by following this link: Podshambles on iTunes!

That’s all from us, so it’s goodbye from us and goodbye from us.

Big love XX