Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden)

Podshambles 41: Idiotic And Asinine (Live From Sweden) is now OUT! Here’s what to expect:

Whack out your fishing Pod and Cast out your Shamblenets because this voyage has just become overtly bountiful.

Correct. Laurie & Paddy are back for Season 3 of the Podcast both previously and currently known as Podshambles. We bring this episode to you LIVE from some kind of Swedish country haven – exciting stuff, right?

Paddy gets drunkenly emotional, Laurie finally talks about his wanger, and the Shamblemen get down to the nitty-gritty reflecting on their Swedish getaway together. Featuring shiny new jingles!

Brace for impact – it’s Podshambles.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/you told the drunks I knew karate.

Tits & Explosions,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Paddy & Laurie chat GoT nonsense on the Throneroom Podcast

Hello my little Podbeans,

My, how you’ve all grown! Don’t you look lovely? Would you like a little visit from the Podshambles Inc. Watering Can? I bet you would.

Well thirst no longer, my lovelies: here’s a little taste of watery goodness courtesy of the good folks over at the Throneroom Podcast. We were invited by the excellent Rachel Parris, comedian supreme and Thronecast host, to go and mull over the latest episode of Game of Thrones (I dunno if you’ve heard of it but it’s a little show with Peter Dinklage and dragons and someone called Kelly C?), “No-One”. We shan’t spoil anything in a blog post but it’s one where that girl does the really impressive thing and a bloke comes back to do some killing and crimefighting duo Thoros ‘n’ Beric show up againĀ – so naturally we’ve got loads to say.

There are myriad ways to listen: number one is on the Soap website here.

Number two is subscribing to the podcast on iTunes – and why the heck wouldn’t you? Rachel has a great new guest on every week including ShamblePal John Henry Falle, so if you’re a Game of Thrones (or Game of Goats) fan, you should get that medieval goodness in your ear-holes every week.

Stay tuned for PODSHAMBLES SEASON 3: THE MOVIE WITH GUNS AND BEARS, coming very very soon…