Podshambles 48: Christmas in a Pub

Episode 48 - christmas in the pub

Cast! The Herald Angels Sing – Glory To The Shamble King(s). After all – it came uPOD a midnight clear (that one was tough but hey it’s Christmas so…fine).

Once again, as is tradition, it is CHRISTMAS. Thus we bring you a very special festive Podshambles LIVE from a pub. Recorded in Oxford in between Laurie’s rampant shopping and Paddy’s maniacal gigging, we present to you a conversation between two best friends in a pub at Christmas. Paddy confuses fishermen with carpenters for ages, Laurie explains the difference between ‘cooking’ and ‘burning’, and we introduce our brand new holiday which may or may not be entirely based on the mythology of Joan Cusack (praise be unto her).

Wrap your Christingles, drug Gran’s sherry, and relentlessly feed each other pudding – it’s Podshambles 48.


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Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 27: Betrayal Monkey and Lie Bananas (Live From New York)

Podshambles 27: Betrayal Monkey and Lie Bananas (Live From New York)

The Podprinces have been Cast away to Shamblerica but golly gee willikers are they bouncing back!

Continue your adventures with Padcoolio and Lauradical as they brave the tundras of New York, covering everything from overzealous flag usage to why three and a half feet of bacon is apparently an appropriate substitute for bread. They’ve only bloody gone and made a YouTube channel too.

Expect ham. Or don’t. YOUR CALL.