“How do you like your Pod in the morning? I like mine with a Cast. Shambled or fried? I’m satisfied as long as I get my Cast.”
THIS TIME: Crow Boy is back. When did he leave? Who is he? Never you mind, he’s back and that’s all that matters. Laurie disapproves of Dave Grohl’s Catholicism, Paddy faces a morale quandary with a naughty sexwizard, and the pair of Shamblepiglets are pitted against each other in brand new section ‘Character Assassination’.
Is Laurie lying about janitors? Is Paddy really just Crow Boy? Will you review us on iTunes? Find out – deep inside Podshambles.
“A new day, a new Shambletrack” as the really really famous saying definitely goes.
Wow guys it’s been a crazy ride getting here but we made it. When we started Shambletracks back on January 21st 2015 we could not have imagined this kind of runaway success – it’s just been amazing. Thank you all so much for your unending support through this mental and emotional time – I really feel like we deserve this; and hey, here’s to another 2 days!
Wow I think I just accurately used a semicolon (Zac helped). (Zac wrote it) – Now I, can go back to misusin-g ‘punctuation” at Will*!#coolmoves.
*like at will, not targeting someone called William. Although we could totally do that.
Today I have chosen Lovecraft In Brooklyn by The Mountain Goats. I have done this for many reasons. These will now become clear through the medium of information.
1. Laurie and I have given two relatively soft and melodic choices to you guys so far so I thought I’d add something a bit more thumping and drum-driven.
2. I’m currently reading The Lovecraft Anthology and this came on shuffle and I was all like ‘whaaaaaaaaaaat!?’ but then realised no one cared and broke my self-made surprise tableaux THAT I WORKED ON FOR AGES MIND YOU ROBERT.
3. I love this band. I love this song. I love basically everything about them and it, respectively.
4. I will be in Brooklyn next month. I feel that’s perhaps relevant.
You should (if you haven’t already) go and buy everything they have ever released. This album is called ‘Heretic Pride‘ and is wonderful, although if you’re looking for something to hook you onto The Mountain Goats I’d recommend picking up a copy of ‘The Sunset Tree’ or ‘Tallahassee’ first?
OH and the other thing that’s interesting about this song is it’s basically about a man who starts to identify with H.P Lovecraft at the height of his paranoia, racism and fear of everyone. Lovecraft moved to Brooklyn pursuing his love for a lady, and found the whole place terrifying – don’t worry though, the song’s overriding feeling is of disconnection and being alienated as opposed to ‘what it’s like to fear immigrants’.
Anyways, give it a listen and see what you think. It’s definitely the band’s heaviest song (by quite a long way) so if it doesn’t click with you, check out some of their more acoustic/folksy stuff on youtube.