What’s a couple of Pods between Casts, eh? We’re all Shamblebuddies here.
THIS TIME: Paddy & Laurie (the human equivalents of Restless Leg Syndrome) embark on a Choose Your Own Adventure concocted by our very own Wing Commander Havelock, which puts Paddy in the seat of…well…being Laurie for a day. TURNS OUT IT’S REALLY DIFFICULT and Paddy is a large part of that difficulty. There may also be a few returning characters from own dark and shadowed past that you may (or more likely may not) be happy to see back in our proverbial ear-saddle.
Here lies the end of our 50 episode extravaganza. Light up your novelty candles, blow your questionable trumpets and dance the dance of a thousand ducks – it’s Podshambles.
Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!
Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/fight for your right to party.
Another pair of beautiful birthday balls to allĀ of you and yours,
P&L x