RADIO – Calling Dr Havelock to see Nurse Paddy

It’s WICKED WANGO WEEK on WYPB this week, as Paddy lives his Jeremy Paxman sex-dreams and turns interviewer for Laurie! Hear about the writer, journalist and part-time radio host’s original plans to have been a doctor, a musical upbringing that relied on denying Radiohead for years and see whether we score another notch on the Plan C bedpost!

BONUS: Several stories from P&L’s school days, you lucky things.

Tune in live to WHAT’S YOUR PLAN B at every Friday at 12pm!

RADIO – Zac Cole’s Culinary Crusade

Hair bear bunch

Who knew that we’d still have a show on a legitimate radio station after all this time? Shoreditch Radio still have time for us and our show, WHAT’S YOUR PLAN B, every Friday and the guests keep on coming. We’ve also just moved to some very fancy new studios in Stratford, so hold onto your butts for slick, flawless radio…

This week’s guest is beloved all-time Shamblefriend Zac Cole, who you may remember wrote a few posts for us on music last year and has appeared on several podcasts.

He tells us about his plan B, to be some sort of max level chef-wizard with extra points in VEGETABLE ALCHEMY, plays some big tunes and weighs up being Childish Gambino’s tour manager. Press play below or click here to listen!

Don’t forget you can join us LIVE every Friday on at 12PM for the latest episode, or find the whole archive on Mixcloud.

RADIO – A plan B for Rob Sell

The beats keep groovin’ over at Shoreditch Radio – and, more importantly, they’re still letting us idiots hang around and interview people. Laurie and Paddifer are joined by musician (and maybe magician) Rob Sell, better known as part of SLKY and collaborator with Rudimental and China Moses. He reveals how his plan B would be…to customise motorbikes! Wowee! Whizzo! Zoom! And other fast noises.

Don’t forget you can join us LIVE every Friday on at 12PM for the latest episode, or find the whole archive on Mixcloud.

Want to see more of Rob’s handiwork? Follow him on Twitter here:
And get the latest updates from SLKY here:

Shambletracks: Oh wow – it’s The Martin Harley Band. OH WOW, OH WOW.

I, Paddy, have returned from the fields of battle and I bring word of the ‘monkeys riding dogs in order to herd goats’ uprising – basically, stuff is not looking good. Some of the chimps even have tiny lassos and novelty hats. I cannot begin to describe the destruction I have witnessed (though I did just begin to describe it – I think what I’m trying to say is I am now going to stop trying to describe the destruction I have witnessed as I’ve really backed myself into a corner here with a joke which is fine at best and relies heavily on the ‘monkeys riding dogs chasing goats’ google search I did earlier).

Anyways, hello. I’m here – isn’t that lovely? Over the past few days you have been lucky enough to experience two people who are really, REALLY good at writing writing really, REALLY good things about the good realities of good, REAL music (fuck me – that was even difficult to write down, let alone say out loud). NOW YOU HAVE ME. SUCKS TO BE YOU, DICKHEAD.

The Shambletrack I have chosen today is ‘Love In The Afternoon‘ by The Martin Harley Band and there are many reasons behind this – such is the nature of choosing things. The main reason is ‘these guys are shitting brilliant‘.

I was introduced to TMHB (The Martin Harley Band)…(I’ve just noticed that it really defeats the point of giving an acronym if you then have to explain it immediately afterwards…and then further defeats it by going on for like 42 words explaining the situation you now find yourself in) ANYWAY me and TMHB (see before OH SHUT UP PADDY) go way back. I was introduced to the band by Shamblefriend and genuine friend James Utechin back in 2007ish. Now I know what you’re all thinking – “Paddy, is that the same James Utechin who played Young Remus Lupin in the flashback scenes of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yet due to the editing of the full movie only actually ended up in it for two-thirds of a second?” YES IT IS GOD WOULD YOU STOP GOING ON ABOUT IT ALREADY? Christ alive. Anyways, James is one of my heroes and has an impeccable music taste (as long as you like music that is either balls-to-the-wall rock’n’blues, hairspray-fuelled glam-metal, or anything happy that manages to rhyme words such as ‘drinking’ and ‘thinking’, ‘smoking’ and ‘choking’ or perhaps even ‘whiskey’ and ‘frisky’).

Long story long, The Martin Harley Band were his discovery, and I am so indebted to him for the gift he gave me from that day on. The band manages to combine genuine virtuosity, fist-stomping rhythms and brilliant lyricism – wrapping it up in some ol’ timey blues motifs to boot. They’re everything I want in a feel good band (although their more restrained, slightly sadder stuff is equally excellent) and to top it all off they really know how to put on a show.

I don’t think there’s a huge amount I can say about the song itself – the video has about 40 seconds of pre-cursor setup (which I do love) but when the guitar kicks in you know you are about to have a fantastic time. The main merit for me would be it proves they are a band that cares as much about rhythm and feel as they do about fancy footwork and solos – and being a rhythm guitarist myself I have so much time for that.

So make sure you have a drink in your hand and a partner to smile with – and throw on this tune. Not recommended for people with bad ankles as you will, I repeat will, tap your foot.

All my love,

Paddy XX

p.s. expect a return to coherent sentence structure and viable use of the English language upon Laurie’s return to Shambletracks tomorrow.