Podshambles 36: Dweebles, We Hardly Knew Ye

Podshambles 36: Dweebles, We Hardly Knew Ye is now OUT. Here is what to expect:

Another Podpun? Sorry mate I can’t be Cast.

The aces are high and the deck is loaded in favour of the Shamblegamblers in this saloon – Podshambles 36 really has it all. The team muse over their latest DnD session, Laurie gets a wet chest, and Paddy discovers both Deliveroo and Pointless on the same day. It will blow your mind.
Tinker with the fusion schematics, recalibrate the advanced targeting module and meet me on the holodeck – we’re taking this sucker down.

Click here to listen on Acast, or just listen using the thumbnail below!

Alternatively you can click here to download on iTunes/subscribe/check out the back catalog/steak.

Celebrate good times,

Big love,

Paddy & Laurie XX

Podshambles 33: Shambles & Dragons (Live From A Farm)

NEW EPISODE KLAXON. It’s all gone a bit fantastical this week at Shambleville U.S.A (Pod-ulation: Cast) as Paddy & Laurie take a weekend away together to – you guessed it – play Dungeons & Dragons.

There will be dogs. There will be hangovers. There will be Two-Handed Bearded Axes of Gnoll-Slaying +1. You better get your D20s out as this podcast is about to get critical.

This also marks the start of us being AS REGULAR AS A BOWEL MOVEMENT/fortnightly wank. We will be releasing an episode every two weeks, with you late Tuesday Night/Early Wednesday. Everything is kicking off.

You can listen to it on Acast by clicking below, or alternatively you can download it from iTunes by following this link: Podshambles on iTunes!

Celebrationenjoy, you Shambles. X