Shambletracks: Those Hot 8 Brass Band boys sure do know how to Sexual Healing.

Hello, and as ever, hurrah.

Today I have a challenge for you all, one that will test your mettle to its very limit and reveal your true nature – you will be forced to look into your soul and, with wide eyed acceptance, confront who you really are. That’s right guys, Shambletracks just got heavy.

Thursday’s trial by musical fire – listen to today’s track and DO NOT smile. Don’t jig, bump, sway or bounce – especially no bouncing.

I am going to make a prediction; you will fail. And that’s OK, completing today’s dastardly and outrageously difficult challenge would sound alarm bells for even the coldest amongst us.

So, what is this song; this unimaginably happy melody, this oasis of sound in a cold grey Thursday desert, this Bill Murray of a tune. Well, let me introduce you to Hot 8 Brass Band’s cover of Sexual Healing, originally, of course, by Marvin Gaye.

When it comes to this song I am completely bias, so I could be overestimating how happy it will make all of you lovely people, but for me this tune stirs up wonderful memories of my last birthday. When my friends gathered on a warm July evening to treat me to a Dirty Burger and a trip to see Chef – it sounds low key and could even sound dull, but it was a great Wednesday evening. This song capped it all off – being used in the film to add a bit of shine to one of the film’s many many happy moments (it really is an incredibly easy watch, good food, good tunes and almost no drama to speak of).

There is really very little left to say about today’s Shambletrack;  because I am pushed for time but also because that’s it, it’s simply a happy song, and a great cover of a classic, just let the cool brass sounds wash over you and enjoy.

So good luck with today’s challenge, and let us at Podshambles/Shambletracks know how you get on.

Have a wonderful Thursday.




[Editor’s note: Paddy is rad lololololol]