The Shamblebots finally bring word from the battle of Podvalley. They answer Rebecca’s question, they argue about sandwiches, Paddy reinvents advertising, Laurie plays mandolin and we finally meet Dolby the digital surround sound rhino. Tie your shoes, it’s about to get weird. Good weird? Potentially.
The Shamblewizards set aside their differences and start talking catchphrases. What will they name their children? How do centaurs talk? Why shouldn’t you carry a hammer in public? Expect things that resemble answers. Oh and Top Cat & Benny the Ball may make some kind of appearance.
This week, the Shamble Wranglers play a choose your own adventure story, expertly concocted by Paddy. Will Terry find his way? What names are palindromes? And whatever happened to Vanessa Carlton? With special guest, Kermit The Frog.
It’s quiz o’clock in Podshambala, so we get very wordy, Laurie voices his anarchist tendencies and Paddy finally finds out which medieval weapon he is. A small fire broke out midway through the recording but we cover it with a jingle and don’t mention it so it is then definitely fine. Also: boats.
We are preparing our minds and bodies for the coming of not one, not two, but SEVERAL further instalments of the PodSham (abbreviated for your convenience).
This week we tackle the Storytelling Challenge, present a whole new slant on Game of Thrones and sing some songs about MoonPig. Paddy is left alone to write the iTunes podcast description – he fails graciously.
‘Monkey Madness’ is an up-and-coming 2nd Person reflective RPG/Flight-Sim from the creators of ‘A Game of Goats’ and ‘A Game of Goats 2: Trouble in Paradise’. Get ready to explode.
The inaugural instalment of the Podshambles. Hold onto your skirts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. What will Paddy think of ‘Penelope’? How would Laurie improve shoes? Will this actually work? YOU* DECIDE!
*Podshambles HQ and associated authorities will make ALL decisions.