Joe Lawrenson and Laurie Havelock

RADIO: On yer bike with Joseph Lawrenson

We welcome the inimitable Joseph Lawrenson, keyboard-wizard supremo and in possession of a lovely face, into the Shoreditch Radio studio to chat his big alternate plans to run cycle tours in Europe and maybe run some deliveroo action on the side. Sounds pretty great, right? Hear some cracking tracks from Car Seat Headrest, Father John […]

RADIO – Getting bluesy and talky with David Robinson

After a few weeks of music-only shows we’re happy to have a guest back in the Shoreditch Radio studios, and it’s only David Robinson, musician supreme, who’s keeping us company this time! Dave talks about his plan B – hosting his own chat show – and the unlikely series of events that landed him at […]

Benjamin Bridger

RADIO – Building Boogie Bridges with Benjamin Bridger

Paddy went to Edinburgh for this edition of What’s Your Plan B? so we flew in a special comedian guest – it’s Benjamin Bridger, stand-up and fellow Shoreditch Radio presenter! Join us as we chat about his plan B (which is to wander the earth and start afresh in a new, exotic location) and touch […]

RADIO – A plan B for Rob Sell

The beats keep groovin’ over at Shoreditch Radio – and, more importantly, they’re still letting us idiots hang around and interview people. Laurie and Paddifer are joined by musician (and maybe magician) Rob Sell, better known as part of SLKY and collaborator with Rudimental and China Moses. He reveals how his plan B would be…to […]